How it works


I want to have regular physical activity and I would like to become a Coachee and I don't know how it works, so:

  • - I create my account.
  • - I receive an SMS and an e-mail with a link to confirm my account. I click on the link to confirm my account and I am logged in.
  • - I complete my health questionnaire.
  • - I choose my training formula and then I subscribe to my subscription.
  • - I create my schedule.
  • - I subscribe to my subscription.
  • - I choose my start date.
  • - You are connected with a coach.
  • - Finally I can start training.

I am a coach and I want to train people and I don't know how it works, so:

  • - Le I create my account.
  • - I receive an SMS and an e-mail with a link to confirm my account. I click on the link to confirm my account and I am logged in.
  • - I fill out my information sheet.
  • - I create my schedule.
  • - You are connected with one or more coachee.
  • - Finally I can start training.










Years of experience

Sports activities

Cardio training Cardio training
Boxe Boxing
Musculation d’entretien Mantenance Bodybuilding
Massage Massage
Stretching Stretching
Marche sportive Sport walking
Perte de poids Weightloss
Remise en forme Get back in shape
Autres Others


I have been to many groups and gyms and since I started working with the coaches of Coach Perso 237, I immediately saw the difference. Here we do sports like in childhood, the exercises are fun, the sessions are all different from each other. The brain is always trying to adapt, because every day is a new discovery. You come in and you have no idea what you're going to do, but you know one thing: you're going to enjoy doing it. The exercises are so playful that you work without realizing it.


I'm Coachee
We rely on our experience to elaborate training sessions that, first of all, preserve the Coachee from any physical suffering, allow him to evolve athletically, and above all to make a break from all the other daily activities (work, children, family...) to make a unique experience, to rediscover the joy of doing sport. The exercises are chosen not only to make the Coachee work but also to have fun.


I'm Coach
I am very pleased to be part of the Coach Perso 237 collective. It is an innovative and very beneficial project for the health and well-being of all. What motivates me at Coach Perso 237 is first of all the playful aspect (game entertainment) of the proposed activities, then the friendliness of the people towards the clientele and, finally, the well being and the professional style of work, of proximity, personalized according to the needs and availability of each other.

Delors Marie

I'm Coach
I've been overweight for several years now, and it's getting harder and harder to stand because my back hurts. It has always been difficult for me to do any sporting activity. But since I started training with Coach Perso 237, everything is getting easier. I have fun doing sports, I really enjoy doing exercises. The coach also motivates me a lot. The results are really incredible: in less than a month I have lost 5 kilos and the pain in my back has halved. I continue to train relentlessly and I highly recommend Coach Perso 237.

Maman Alice

I'm Coachee

Contact us

Biyem assi, Yaoundé, Cameroun
Full address> (+237) 694 79 08 69

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#CoachPerso237 Phone: (+237) 694 79 08 69 E-mail: [email protected]

CoachPerso 237

When sport becomes a pleasure again !
2025 © Copyright by Coach Perso 237